Community Support

Help Colombia Angel project from Kendall Miami

Angel Project

Help Colombia Angel roject from Kendall Miami

The Angel project sends to Colombia your USED CLOTHING, TOYS AND STUFFED ANIMALS. We distribute them among organizations that supports those displaced by violence and live in poverty. Today, there are approximately 4 million displaced individuals within Colombia due to poverty and internal violence.

What we do!
Help Colombia Angel project from Kendall Miami

We pick up your donation and clean it or fix it up if necessary. Once the boxes are ready, we ship them to a specific organization.
Since 2006, we have sent hundred of boxes and over 10,000 stuffed animals and clothing to Salecian schools such as Juan Bosco Obrero and Obra Social Mornes. These organizations provide education for children and adults and help displaced individuals improve their lives.

We are presently supporting the project Amazonas Sin Limites and several small schools for the disable in Barranquilla. This work is done with the support of Colombian Volunteer Ladies and Sharing for Kids who are two non for profit organizations in Miami with women committed to make a difference. The store Runner’s High, a fabulous tennis shoe store, has contributed with the boxes for 9 years.

What you can do!

Help Colombia Angel project from Kendall MiamiOur contributors support us it two ways: some donate bags and boxes of clothing and stuffed animals; others donate funds to pay for the shipment of these donation.

TO DONATE: Contact Margarita Borda.


Phone: 305 898 6607

We will schedule the time for the pickup. We accept donations through The Colombian Volunteer Ladies. Tax deductible receipts are available.


Thanks for becoming an Angel to someone in Colombia!

We also support our world community by supporting

FINCA: Fighting Poverty with Financial Inclusion


FINCA International’s mission is to alleviate poverty through lasting solutions that help people build assets, create jobs and raise their standard of living. Together with leading, socially responsible partners, FINCA owns and operates a network of microfinance institutions serving nearly 2 million clients in 23 countries.

Women for Women International


Sponsor a woman and change her life forever. Your monthly gifts of $30 will support her through a yearlong training program that will give her the skills to support her family and transform her life. Many sisters start their own businesses to earn an income, even banding together with other graduates to form co-ops. Most graduates are able to move beyond extreme poverty.

Help Colombia Angel project from Kendall Miami

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